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Thursday, January 22

Where do you start?

Som many ideas, so much to do and so little time. We asked a few of the teams: "Where do you start?"

Lejla Resic, Ola Mattisson and Fredrik Sewén, 7billion.

Like many of the teams here today, Ola Mattisson and his two colleagues from 7billion, had many ideas. The first task was to make a list of all the ideas and select the one that was most relevant (from a user perspective). As soon as the idea was set they divided the work between them. Fredrik started by setting up the site (EPiServer platform), Ola grabbed the phone and started to call potential investors (he had already made three calls at 12.30) and Lejla started to design the site. Her first step is always to pick out the right colors and pictures. "Just start working", says Ola, "that's the best way to discover the challenges".

Erik Starck

"When I want to be really creative, I walk away from my computer. To define my idea I use pen and paper", says Erik Starck. "Like many entrepreneurs, I am good at starting things. I would often need someone to administer and nurture after the start-up phase.

At 12.34 Anders Fredriksson is already on his way with his project Rmindr. "I start by creating a list of functions. My strategy is then to prioritize by fully developing one function, launch it and test it."

What's your best advice on how to start?