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Friday, January 23

Elustr - help create a modern classic by illustrating the Classics

Elustr is a Facebook application which allows people to work together to create something new by illustrating classic literature with photos they have published on Facebook. The first Classic available for illustration in the application is Pride or Prejudice by Jane Austen, sourced from Project Gutenberg.

The application is not yet in the Facebook application directory but it is available at or for you to look at. It is not completely finished but without the 24 hours of hard work and deep concentration I would never have got started with this fun, interesting application - so I'm quite happy with the result.

In order to get as much as possible done in 24 hours I set up an environment beforehand, including registering the domain name and updating the DNS record. There was a very steep learning curve to be climbed in a very short time, however, because making the app required the use of xFBML and jQuery - neither of which I had ever used before. If 24 hour business camp is all about sitting down and finally getting an idea started, then I dare say that goes for skills you have been coveting too.

Elustr is a mainly social application that allows people to work together to create something new. The plan is to add voting functionality, allowing the community to decide which illustrations are appropriate and which are not. After a set period of time the work on a particular book would cease and the finished, illustrated book be published as a downloadable PDF and perhaps be made available for purchase through a print on demand service.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this first (there will be more, I'm sure) 24 hour business camp and my contact details are available on my blog if you would like to get in touch.


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