Sunday, January 25
Vote and help crown the unofficial winner!

Friday, January 23
Projects at 24hbc - hela listan!
Den gamla listan (ej helt uppdaterad):
Fyll på eller korrigera genom att skicka ett mail till Beata.
1. Ted Valentin: Jobbkartan.se
2. Dan Nilsson
3. Jonas Lejon - SiteGuard
4. Tomas Wennström + Axel Wennström: Vackertvader.se - en väder- och fotosajt
5. Mattias Swenson + Ola Sevandersson - Virurl.it - Sharing websites made easy!
6. Thord Daniel Hedengren - Börja Blogga
7. Joakim Jardenberg - mediesök/skånesök/hockeysök/löksoppa-sök
8. Anton Malmberg + Jonny Elofsson - www.traningsschema.se (eller utv.blog)
9. David Bismark
10. Martin Sandberg - Greener than green
11. Emil Stenström + Björn Lilja + Jonatan Larsson + David Billskog - Kundo.se
12. Tom Söderlund - W.ardro.be - dressups for grownups
13. Jakob Nanneson - Berunda.se - Miljövänliga affärsidéer
14. Peter Siljerud
15. Martin Melin +Tobias Andersson - 90 sekunder
16. Pontus Westberg + Marcus
17. Dan Carlberg + Patrik Ring - vartogminapengarvagen.se
18. Andreas Krohn + Mattias Järnhäll + Peter Rosdahl - Gefeedback.nu -kundtjänst som gör dig glad
19. Hjalmar Wåhlander + Jimmy Stridh - mmsx.se - Local information via MMS
20. David Ovsepian, Peter Belwon och Daniel Nordahl- Minplacering.se
21. Niklas Olsson + Johan Marand - http://www.boxof99.com
22. Henrik Holdt - MinaJobb.se
23. David Svensson -Nere.nu
24. Erik Starck- Taggatidning.se
25. Andie Nordgren and Alexis Fellenius Makrigianni - hitta.brafolk.nu - focused job ads for the web savvy in Sweden
26. Nikke Lindqvist, Christian Bolstad and Johan Mogren (from home) - Brandstalking.com is a service that monitors your brands in blogs, microblogs and search engine result pages. We keep of the number of times your brand is mentioned and send you whether this has an impact on Google's search engine result pages.
27. Mattias Nyberg - Tshirt50
28. Tore Friskopp, Daniel Marklund, Magnus Lundin + Fredrik Johansson -mobileimpossible.se
30. Heidi Harman + Emil Sjöblom - Runalong.se
31. Oskar Vikman + Per Lisshamre -Tampongdax.se
32. Christan Andersson + Martin Zimmerman - Eventkoll.se
33. Karin Adelsköld + Johanna Ögren - Barnamun.se - share your children quotes and turn them into gifts
34. Anders Fredriksson - rmindr.com - a tool to get things done
35. Jonathan Sulo - spelbloggen.se
36. Björn Jeffery - Honey I'm home!
37. Morris Packer, Anton Lindqvist, Rickard Thorman och Herman Olsson - moco.se - mobile codes free and simple for all.
38. Martin Källström + Kristoffer Forsgren + Oskar Skoog - Nextmakers - Who is shaping the future of your business?
39. David Haddad & Roman Pixell: EmotiPost - Send real, printed postcards from your Facebook Profile!
40. Edward Tjörnhammar + Micael Widell + Petter Arvidsson - utdraget.se - a service providing you with a graphic representation of account statements from local internet banks.
41. Jesper Åström, Judith Wolst, Thérèse Mannheimer och Andreas Vural - Bloggmode.se
42. Anton Johansson, Eric Martinsson och Dick Olsson - http://ticketz.se
43. Paula Marttila - bortsprungna.se
44. Jeanette Gorosch + Torbjörn Eriksson - roligabarnaktiviteter.se
45. Tomas Nihlén + Jonas Karlsson - Första Kapitlet
46. Jonas Arnklint - http://codepond.net - a public repository for searchable, taggable and sharable code snippets.
47. Karl-Petter Åkesson - TagFeedr lets you create photo feed based on different themes at different times to be presented on your Internet connected photo frame
48. Ola Mattisson - www.invest7.se
49. Rickard Vikström + Fredrik Berglund - Voicly.com -röstbaserad mikroblogging via telefonen
50. Anton Robsarve + Johan Törnqvist - Youtv.se
51. Reza Daryaei - smsnergykick.se
52. Henrik Berggren, Eric Wahlforss, David Kjelkerud -
listentoblogs.com Listen to your favorite blogs, or make a podcast using your own voice
53. Mikael Lindström - 2D barcodes in printed media
Listen To Blogs

"Listen to your favorite blogs, or turn any blog into a podcast using your own voice"
Have a million unread feed items in your reader? Tired of reading long texts in front of your macbook? At listentoblogs.com you find crowd-sourced podcasts of your favorite blogs. Recorded by bloggers, blog-fans and you. Here you can upload recordings of blog posts which people then can subscribe to with iTunes or their mobile phones. We accept many different audio formats and have no limits in filesizes. Make your blog available as a podcast asap!
Contact us?
Email Henrik or call him at +46 (0) 706 45 25 71
Rmindr.com - Never think twice

//Anders Fredriksson
Nextmakers.com monitors influential people in any industry globally an locally
Nextmakers.com is continously monitoring global news and blogs for traces of the influence of both individuals and organizations. Semantic search technology will be applied to massive amounts of data inorder to discern who is the most influential.
The team behind Nextmakers.com is Martin Källström, Kristoffer Forsgren and Oskar Skoog. At the time of initial release the amount of data applied to the semantic extraction is very limited. Over time the sheer amount of data crunched by the system will provide unsurpassed precision and insight, impossible for human. As the user interface evolve, insight into any industry or business will be at your fingertips.
Nextmakers.com is powered by Twingly.com, OpenCalais.com by Thomson Reuters, Google Image Search and Amazon Web Services.
“Vackert väder” means beautiful weather in Swedish, and that is what we are all about. Vackertvader.se is a local weather site that combines weather forecasts with beautiful nature photography.
At vackertvader.se you will get
1) Your local weather forecast clearly spelled out. No more deciphering of maps, tables and weather parameters in small print when you try to figure out tomorrow’s weather.
2) Beautiful photography that relates to your forecasted weather situation.
Our goal is to cooperate with the Swedish photo community. Vackertvader.se should be a fun place for amateur photographers to show off their great shots to a wider local audience. We will link back and credit all photographers.
We admit that combining weather and photography might seem like a stretch. But considering how boring and uninspiring both old and new media presents weather information today, we are willing to give this idea a try.
So who are we? Two brothers. Axel and Tomas Wennström. We run the Swedish recipe search engine hittarecept.se, one of Swedens largest recipe sites. Tomas can also be found at whatsnext.se.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsor. Without Forecas support with ten day weather forecasts, vackertvader.se would not have happened.
Invest7 presenterar sig

Invest7 är ett investmentbolag med fokus på investeringar i Startups. Vår strävan är att ge entreprenören en stabil ekonomisk grund samt tillföra nätverk och erfarenhet.
Vi investerar pengar i företag med starka dedikerade entreprenörsteam under tidig uppstartsfas. För att ansöka om kapital behöver man inte ha ett juridiskt bildat företag.
Vi investerar normalt sätt mellan 200 000 och 1 msek och förväntar oss äga mellan 10% och 30% i företaget.
Vi tar gärna emot feedback på vårt koncept här bland kommenterna eller på invest7.se
MMSX - Local information via MMS

With MMSX you send an sms to us, and we'll position you and your phone and send you a Multimedia Message (MMS) back with interesting and funny information about your surroundings. The ever expanding list of sources currently contains: local news from Nyhetsportalen.se, pictures taken in your vicinity from Panoramio, information about the city you're in from Wikipedia and local weather from Weather Underground. Future plans include adding nearby events, tonight's movies for the local cinema and nearby cafés.
While many phones today come with a GPS, there are still a lot of not-so-tech-savvy users out there who doesn't own a GPS phone or maybe doesn't know how to use one. A majority of cellphone owners know how to send an >SMS, and read an MMS, and this service makes location based services available to them.
MMSX is implemented in PHP using Zend Framework. For positioning we utilize Mobilstart.se's mobileForward service.
Energy-kick through SMS

Get your daily energy kick by sms on energikick.nu by sending "energikick" to 72500. This service is delivered by Reza Daryaei from ACCEL IT.
TagFeedr will launch soon and at the moment you cannot create a personalized feed. It will come. But you can enter tags and get a feed with the tags for today or a feed with photos from Flickr tagged with these tags.
TagFeedr was implemented using Ruby on Rails using the Aptana development tools. This was the first project I have done on Rails.
At the moment there is not a clear revenue model setup for TagFeedr but there are a couple of ideas to investigate. The challenge is that the users are not visiting the TagFeedr site very often and there are currently no web commercials solutions with pay-back available for PhotoFrames. Current ideas include:
- Inject commercials/product photos in the feed?
- Use AdWords on the configuration site
Boxof99 - exciting prints, delivered in boxes of 99

Our first product is a pack of 99 themed name and place cards for your next big party. You easily choose a theme and provide your guestlist and the service creates a box of 99 custom name and place cards for you.
Currently the service is not fully operational due to problems with the MOO API (that is still in beta). It is possible to create and preview your place cards, but sadly you can not order them just yet.
To make it even easier to try out our service, we have created a default guestlist for you with names that are sure to be familiar!
Visit Boxof99 »
Boxof99 is created by Johan Marand and Niklas Olsson
Atlantiqa - A new virtual country

Anybody can join our effort in growing to a major country and a potential influencer. You can even choose which minister post you would like to have. Please join at: Atlantiqa.com
Grönt är Skönt

Future work on the site may include widgets for blogs, generation of PDF-diplomas and potentially a white-labelling-service.
Made for fun and for a better world by Martin Sandberg.

SiteGuard is an anti-virus scanning service for the web. More and more websites are infected by malware and blackhat SEO links. So, I created SiteGuard.com.
There will be a monthly subscription fee for companies. The service will be provided for free for non-profit organizations and end-users.
SiteGuard scans all your web pages, scripts, etc., on your web server once a day (only the changes).
Report screenshot:
Brandstalking.com - stalking your brand

Brandstalking gives you reports of how much your brand is talked about in blogs and microblogs - and whether this has an impact on the top 100 results of Google.
In cooperation with Twingly, we monitor blogs and microblogs for mentions of your brands, then check if there are any movements in Google. The alarm goes off when we see significant changes in all three places.
Börja Blogga: Teaching you what blogs are really about

My project is about blogs, and teaching people to see beyond the narrow view often focused on by newspapers. The idea is to educate people about the fact that blogs are not just personal journals or today's outfit fashion postings, while it in fact is a complete way of publishing. Some people don't believe you if you tell them that Engadget is a blog, they say it is a news site or something similar, while it in fact is the essence of a group blog.
Simple job board for web professionals in Sweden

We created a simple job board for web professionals in Sweden. The idea is to gather the best web companies and the best developers and designers in Sweden at a site that does away with the bullshit and just reaches out with the essentials - good people looking for good people. With Twitter-style posts, ads are supposed to be just a couple of hundred characters (not the essays you're used to on traditional job boards).
Subscribe to the brafolk.nu RSS feed now to keep an eye on potential gigs. Maybe you know someone who's a good match, or need good people for your project.
All participants at 24hbc get to advertise at brafolk.nu for free, just supply the code #24hbc instead of invoice details. This also applies to small startups, individuals and good causes. Get your shout for good people out there!
The team behind hitta.brafolk.nu are Andie Nordgren (development) and Alexis Fellenius (design/html/css). The app is built with Django on App Engine.
We will create a service that is not just a destination site but something that lives all over the Internet whereever books are being discussed.
We'll start with Sweden. Then we'll take the rest of world. :)
Here is an intro video in Swedish:
FörstaKapitlet.se Intro.
//Team FörstaKapitlet.se
Tampongdax.se - Monthly tampon subscription
We've really gone from an idea to an early beta version of the site. We basically came up with the idea the night before the event, after our girlfriends having sown the original seed for the idea.
Since 24 hours isn't that long time we'll only be releasing an early version of the site up to this date. But it works :).

A interactive website where you can share your best children quotes and turn them into books, t-shirts and gifts.
Children can deliver the funniest –and smartest sayings. At barnamun.se you can share the best of them and read others. Create your own user account and let your friends and relatives subscribe to your quotes through rss feeds or email.
After collecting a few, you can turn them into hard cover books, calendars, t-shirts, cups, pillow cases or bags.
In case of bad memory, you can use your phone and text your quotes just after hearing them. You can also subscribe to the “quote of the day” and get a quote to your cell phone every day.
About us
Johanna Ögren and Karin Adelsköld are the women behind the girl tech blog Lillagumman.se and the web communication agency PressKom. Johanna also runs the literature blog Bokhora.se.
The main purpose with all their projects is to communicate with women on the Internet. So even with barnamun.se whose intended target group is primarily women 30-55.
Honey, I'm home!

As sponsors, Bonnier R&D´s main focus was to meet all the entrepreneurs and learn as much from them as we could. Unsurprisingly, we soon realised that the temptation to build something ourselves proved to be to difficult to handle.
Morris and I played with the new Mirr:or RFID-reader from Violet. It suddenly dawned on us that the new SL bus/underground-card has an RFID chip inside, and therefore most people in Stockholm will have one soon. A world of opportunities open.
With a lot of help from Herman (and Pelle), we made a small script that connected the Mirr:or to the Mobilstart API. When the chip is read, a text message is sent to a predefined phone number, notifying what time the reading occurred.
We think this could become a smart little application for families. When the kids come home they simply place their SL card over the reader, and automatically the parents get a text message saying "Hi! Sara came home at 14:15".
Elustr - help create a modern classic by illustrating the Classics
The application is not yet in the Facebook application directory but it is available at http://apps.facebook.com/elustr_/ or http://www.elustr.com for you to look at. It is not completely finished but without the 24 hours of hard work and deep concentration I would never have got started with this fun, interesting application - so I'm quite happy with the result.
In order to get as much as possible done in 24 hours I set up an environment beforehand, including registering the domain name and updating the DNS record. There was a very steep learning curve to be climbed in a very short time, however, because making the app required the use of xFBML and jQuery - neither of which I had ever used before. If 24 hour business camp is all about sitting down and finally getting an idea started, then I dare say that goes for skills you have been coveting too.
Elustr is a mainly social application that allows people to work together to create something new. The plan is to add voting functionality, allowing the community to decide which illustrations are appropriate and which are not. After a set period of time the work on a particular book would cease and the finished, illustrated book be published as a downloadable PDF and perhaps be made available for purchase through a print on demand service.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this first (there will be more, I'm sure) 24 hour business camp and my contact details are available on my blog if you would like to get in touch.
GeekGirl Meetup on saturday at Lydmar

Don't forget the GeekGirl Meetup at Lydmar tomorrow at 15.00. Come talk start-ups, web and code with os over coffe, you don't have to know everything about it, intrest is more important. Bring a friend or come alone, hope to see you there!
/Heidi Harman, Andie Nordgren och Mengmeng Du
We have some competitors but we will use google maps to make it simple to search for fun things in your neighborhood and combine this with either dates or specific activities. We also want to make our site interactive so that anyone can post a new acitiivity and comment and grade acitivities that people have tried.
Torbjörn, the programmer in our team, did not sleep anything last night but unfortunately the swebsite is not 100% ready and this is partly because it took muck longer to build everything than we planned for and also because we have to worst webhotel ever who not only have put our database on an old databaswe but also they pointed our domain name wrong which means that if you enter www.roligabarnaktiviteter.se you end up at nannynu!. However, if you want to take sneek a peak you can go into www.roligabarnaktiviteter.se/default.aspx and look at the website.
We are hoping to finish the last thing today and during the weekend and hopefully people will also help us fill up the content by going in and entering info om different actitvities.
But I must say that this event have been one of the coolest things I have experienced. The people have been awesome, the conversations extremely interesting, and the energy high. I sincerely hope that there will be a sequel or followup so thanks TED for everything!!!!!!

Invest7 är ett investmentbolag som genomför investeringar i tidiga Startups. Vår strävan är att ge entreprenören en stabil ekonomisk grund samt även att tillföra nätverk och erfarenhet. Vi letar efter företag med starka, dedikerade entreprenörsteam. För att ansöka om kapital behöver man inte ha ett juridiskt bildat företag.
Vi investerar normalt sätt mellan 200 000 och 1 msek och förväntar oss äga mellan 10% och 30% i företaget.
Ansvarig för Invest7 är Ola Mattisson, 0735 322 166.
Feedback mottages tacksamt till exempel här i kommentarerna eller på invest7.se
Presentation: Gefeedback.nu

gefeedback.nu - customer service that makes you happy
gefeedback.nu is a next generation customer service site for the Swedish market. The goal is to make it easy for customers to share new ideas, ask questions and report problems directly to a company. By leveraging the knowledge of their customer base companies will have a gold mine of ideas on how to improve their products as well as an easy way to help customers using their products. On the other hand the customers can find information quickly and be part of making their favourite products and services better. The name literally means "Give Feedback Now" in swedish, and that is just what we want all people to do, share your ideas!
In 24 hours we managed to get a site up and running, where it is possible for companies to register and for customers to ask questions and give feedback. The technology used for gefeedback.nu is the python framework Django and the web site platform Pinax, which enabled us to get a lot of functionality (such as OpenID login and user handling) for free. There is still a lot left to do, but we are happy with what we managed to get in just 24 hours (some of us even sleept a few hours).
The team behind gefeedback.nu consists of Mattias Järnhäll, Andreas Krohn and Peter Rosdahl. Mattias also runs the family community site familjelycka.se and the wedding site brollopslycka.se. Andreas has the chat service Blendapps.com and blogs on mashup.se and digitalistic.com. Peter works for Mindpark and develops the classified site Rubbt.se.
Ninety seconds
Codepond - where all the great little snippets are gathered

24hbc in 12 hours

I was fortunate enough to work with my project for 24hbc, here at Hasseludden Yasuragi, all night long. What an experience it was! :)
Micke from Veckans Affärer is in da house
Micke Zackrisson from Veckans Affärer has been participating at the event the full 24 hours. He has made some interesting reflections on the driving forces of the entrepreneur and the role of a good idea:
24hbc made it to the first page of DI
Ticketz.se - search engine for tickets
Therefore it's to Ticketz.se you should go if you wanna have a ticket that's outsold, or if you don't know where to start. If you wanna attend Bob Dylan in March you probably don't care if it's outsold or if there's a second release of tickets - you just wanna buy the ticket as cheap as possible. Ticketz doin' it nice and smoothly!
Beta release but there's more
For 24hbc, we've focused on getting it up and running. We have some sources but need to add more and probably fix a not-so-quick-fix-solution for categorization etc.
But events is really cool to work with and Last.fm, Eventful and Myspace Music is having useful API:s so... it might get us working on some web 2.0-features. Stay tuned...
The SuperTeam
Eric Martinsson +
Dick Olsson +
Anton Johansson
= SuperWebb
So... check out Ticketz.se, give us feedback and follow the blog!


Tjuvlyssnat ca 08:50
"Äntligen lite css-jobb!"
"De där modebloggarna har sett snygga ut hela natten. Stylish!"
"Jag har tyvärr 50% kvar av gymnasiet..."
"Mobilstarts frukostleverans var nattens höjdpunkt!"
"Fatta dig kort, jag har bara 120 min kvar..."
"fokus, fokus, fokus"
"kod, kod, kod"
Help us choose a logo

We have had some good help from designers Diogo Valerio and Louise Hamilton that created early-stage logo proposals, please let us know what you think of them in the comments, so that we can choose one for RunAlong.
Heidi Harman & Emil Sjöblom
Where did your money go?

We all know that money vanishes into thin air when you're not watching.
24 hour business camp helped me (Patrik Ring) and my team mate (Dan Carlberg) to actualize an idea that had formed after too many lost salaries spent on beer.
Launching now, after 20 hours spent on Coca Cola and japanese food:
Vartogminapengarvagen.se is watching your money for you. All you've got to do is to tell us what you spend :)
Memorable music
Request some good music by walking over to our Spotify-DJ Morris Packer.
Ehandel.se - Ecommere community

Nere.nu - social website monitoring

I am sure you have heard of uptime monitoring services before, like Pingdom, Netcraft and Alertra. The brand new site Nere.nu (Swedish for "is down now") will soon become a true competitor in that niche. The site is currently only available in swedish, but a translation into english is planned later this year.
What is different?
The main idea behind Nere.nu is that we don't only have a need to see if a web server is responding or not. A website could be down even if the web server is answering correctly. We let the visitors decide if a website is working correctly or not. You could get support from other users or the official support team of the broken site when something goes wrong.
Nere.nu also collects contact information to the web services that is down. That means that you could easily find the contact e-mail or phone number to the support crew even if their web site is not operating correctly. The site will also collect information and buzz about websites going down from the numerous microblog services like Twitter, Bloggy and Jaiku.
Who created it?
The young entrepreneur and expert Rails developer David Svensson from the Swedish web design company Standout solutions is the developer. The site is programmed entirely in Ruby on Rails.
Which I was there
But reading the posts on this live blog gives me some feeling of almost being there.
I've been working all night now on my little projekt, but now it's time for bed. You can read more about it (in Swedish) at:
See you soon, I hope.
The 24h Business Camp badge

You could link it to the 24h Business Camp site too. The badge is in PNG-format. Send me an e-mail if you need it in some other format. alexis@winstondesign.se
Bloggmode team burning the midnight oil at 3.37am
Here's Bloggmode working on their service and burning the midnight oil.
EmotiPost - Facebook at it's best!

This presentation might come a tad late, but better late than never. We might still have a chance to score :P
We're working on ironing all the above mentioned issues, as well as Facebook and Flickr integration and a bunch of new features. What we also promise soon, is sending free postcards. Yes that's free as in free beer!
See ya'll at Friday (keep an eye on the main 24HBC blog!)
1:54am and the atmosphere could not be better!
Jonas is busy building SiteGuard. SiteGurd scans your webpages, blogs and otherwise, for malicious code and links. If it founds something, it alerts the owner and let's you know what's wrong. Jonas is adamant that SiteGuard is ready by noon.
Nextmakers.com tells you the most famous people in each industry
Thursday, January 22
Carbon killer by Martin Sandberg
Tjuvlyssnat ca 23.00
"Jag känner mig för nybadad för att orka prata"
"Hallå, vem har en bra disclaimer?"
"Vi bygger en tjänst för folk som saknar tvångstankar"
"min slutkund är den vanliga människan"
"just nu krigar jag bara med koden"
"jag kan absolut ingenting om sociala media, tror jag"
I'm done - now the work begin
What I wanted to say is that my website is already online and I've already started to fill it with content. Late in the process I've decided to focus totally on environmental friendly business concepts. Currently I'm emptying my own head. I'll hope more people will join in the future.